How is 5G in Logistics revolutionising the supply chain?
Supply chain relations have been governed by technology in the past few years. The fifth generation technology is among the new revolution in the supply

Difference between bill of lading and bill of entry
Importers and exporters worldwide go through documentation processes to legally ship or secure their cargo through cross-border trade. It is essential to initiate the shipment

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Supply Chain Operations
Technology has transformed into a guiding light for humans and is walking multiple organisations and companies in the supply chain through their daily operations and

Exploring the benefits of 4PL logistics solutions
The logistics industry is backed up by a dynamic network of logistics service providers that outsource logistic activities for shippers. Ocean carriers and freight forwarders

Best practices for cybersecurity in the maritime industry
Maritime shipping is the best solution for shippers looking for cost-effective international transportation. It is a vast network of ports, vessels, shipping containers, and technology

How are smart ports revolutionising the shipping industry?
The maritime industry constantly evolves by integrating newer technology to switch to automation. It improves operational efficiency and inculcates sustainability. Conventional shipping ports are now

What are EEXI and CII regulations?
The growing concern about environmental emissions has alarmed the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) and pushed them to take necessary measures to control it quickly. Maritime

The Intermodal Europe 2023
Attention, shipping industry! Have you been following the recent news stories on Intermodal Europe 2023? The Intermodal Event is a significant international shipping conference, expo,

Trends in Container Depot
Container depots play a pivotal role as maritime installations designed for the temporary storage of shipping containers. The dynamic landscape of technological advancements is reshaping

How do shipping rates affect the Container Industry?
Shippers constantly export goods globally and are highly affected by the rise in shipping rates. Any fluctuation in the shipping rates has a ripple effect

How does big data analytics benefit from blockchain technology in the shipping industry?
The shipping industry is advancing to integrate newer trends and technologies to derive benefits. By combining technologies such as the twin technology, the benefits can

Impact of lost cargo containers on the Environment
Among the many environmental damages caused by the shipping industry, the impact of lost cargo containers on the environment is significant. Shipping companies often overlook