Your project is our assignment

LOTUS Containers supports you with your project tasks by developing container solutions and the logistics thereof. We have put together different leasing concepts, among other solutions, in order to make your project management even more flexible. The proven LOTUS sales and repurchase concept adds another dimension.
And here you have it:
- Projects are clearly calculable, no hidden costs
- Intermodal flexibility and competence worldwide
- Many years of experience in project-related tasks for seamless processes in logistics
- High flexibility, speed and attractive prices thanks to a globally active network
- lternative cost calculations using purchasing and leasing concepts
The advantage of LOTUS Containers: Containers that are rented get returned back, whereas containers that are bought are accordingly repurchased at the respective destination.
The GO LOTUS SOC/COC comparison calculator – that pays off
SOC, the affordable and flexible alternative. You can save money by buying or renting SOC containers through LOTUS Containers. It quickly becomes clear when comparing COC offers, that the LOTUS project concept provides genuine added value for your project tasks – especially with long service durations. But just see for yourself!
Quickly and conveniently check your savings potential here with the GO LOTUS SOC/COC comparison calculator: