Promotion to Head of Sales and Interview with our colleague Daniela Danieli located in São Paulo, South America

Dear valued customers,

It is with greatest pleasure that we announce to you the promotion of our Daniela Danieli to Head of Sales for the geographic region of South America. Daniela joined us in June 2015, she has been working hard and disciplined and with her positive attitude shaped her knowledge and professionalism. Daniela formed and successfully trained a team to support her and LOTUS Containers endeavors Brazil.

We would like to use this opportunity to let you know that we will be publishing Interviews of our colleagues at regular intervals this year, which will allow you to get to know our colleagues from around the world. We are glad to start with our colleague Daniela Danieli.

Best regards,

LOTUS Containers Group

You have been working for LOTUS Containers since 2015. How has the journey been so far?
“Working for LOTUS means being part of a growing family. We are growing as a group every passing year, and are developing into a well-recognized firm in the market. What is most interesting for me is that we are a diverse team comprising of multiple nationalities which makes us strong in each region we are a part of, this has enabled us to establish an international position. It’s like having a family member to consult on every continent.”

LOTUS Containers is expanding – how much potential do you see in the South American continent and what are your plans to expand?
“South America is a huge continent yet to be explored. Only in Brazil, in view of our current market share, there are more than 200 million people. Considering that a container is one of the basic necessities of the international market, there’s a lot of business on the table which we can support and develop. In addition to which, since container projects, sales and trading are our specialties, there are other sectors which we can expand to. I mean, for a long time the container is no longer just a single package. At present, there are modified containers in malls, stores, houses, swimming pools, kiosks on the beaches, etc. which clearly shows us that there are many possibilities. Another important fact is that it is SUSTAINABLE! And being sustainable is thinking about the future!”

Your success has been impressive – do you have a motto that you follow in your daily life?
I think we need a reason to wake up early every single day and give direction to our lives. I have countless personal goals which are basically dependent on my professional performance. After all, it is my profession which ensures that all my bills are paid on-time. But most of all I believe in cause and effect, this plays out not only through our actions, but also in our minds. If we have positive attitudes and thoughts, we attract positive results and vice versa. It is not as easy as it sounds and it becomes a daily exercise to avoid negativity. Whenever we have a bad day at the office, we will always have the next day to make a difference.”

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