LOTUS Containers is entering the Chilean market

Dear valued customers,

LOTUS Containers continuously increases its geographical scope in order to align itself with the customer demand. We welcome Ms. Maryorie Tapia on board our team as Senior Sales Manager based in Valparaiso, Chile.

Best regards,

LOTUS Containers Group

Ms. Maryorie Tapia
Senior Sales Manager for LOTUS Containers in Chile starting February 1st, 2018Maryorie worked for one of the biggest depot groups in Chile, as head of the Customer Service department for over 13 years. We are confident in her abilities to maintain good relationships with all involved parties through her support in offering appropriate services, coordinating depot operations, logistics and in assisting with domestic legal procedures. Given her extensive experience and market know-how she will be a great enrichment for our customers and for LOTUS Containers.
We greatly welcome Maryorie to the team!

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