The Biggest Shipping Container Trends We’ve Seen This Year

Shipping container trends 2024

Shipping containers are an essential asset of the global shipping industry. The biggest shipping container trends are spreading throughout the container industry to enhance sustainable shipping, provide advanced security solutions, reduce the impact of containers on the environment, and aid safer transactions. Due to a rise in demand for goods across the supply chain, manufacturers and suppliers need shipping containers. From shipping hazardous, fragile, and perishables goods that require special handling to bulk and non-bulk goods that can be easily stored and loaded, there is a shipping container for all needs. Although the current economic slowdown has hampered the shipping demand, e-commerce continues to balance the shipping needs. Let us know more about the potential container trends that may make a global impact this year.

Growth of the container market

Shipping containers are an integral part of the shipping process. Every industry that imports and exports goods uses shipping containers in various types and sizes. Goods are packed and loaded onto containers to be sent away for transit to international and transcontinental destinations. The container market is worth billions and continues to grow annually. The rate of shippers, investors and stakeholders willing to own containers by buying or leasing is increasing rapidly due to the immense profits involved in the trade business. People are immensely engaging in global trade as the transportation industry is growing and integrating technology to facilitate cross-border trade. This expansion and market growth rate are causing manufacturing industries to evolve, integrate newer technologies into the containers, and customise them according to business needs.

Current situation of shipping containers in 2023

During the pandemic, the shipping industry witnessed a surge in container demand when there were insufficient containers to accommodate and keep up with the requirements. In the current scenario, container depots are stuffed with empty shipping containers creating a bottleneck in the global supply chain. The surplus of containers in 2023 is due to the compulsive buying of containers during the pandemic period of 2020-2021. During the pandemic, the demand for goods increased, leading to a shortage of containers complemented by a lack of ships to carry those containers. This became the prime reason for overstuffing of containers at ports. Inflation and global recession are currently hitting the trade markets, consumer demands have dipped, and the containers are standing ideal on ports. An economic slowdown leads to lesser demand for goods and a reduced need for containers.

Need for change in trends in the shipping industry

The shipping industry has expanded its network and undergone many changes in the past few decades. The need to trade and transport goods is limitless. Shipping containers are conex boxes that provide durability and rigidity for storing and transporting goods. Based on supply chain volatility, economic changes, and geopolitical tensions, shipping container trends always switch and upgrade. In the past years, the shipping container industry has seen an extreme shortage and surplus of shipping containers, technological transformation due to digitisation and more focus on green shipping. These trends originated due to the social, economic and political changes impacting the global supply chain. The shipping container manufacturers must move parallel with the newer trends and try to accommodate and implement them to build sustainable containers. Therefore, a change in container manufacturing also stands as one of the biggest shipping container trends.

How do shipping container trends impact the supply chain?

The demands of the supply chain run parallel with the needs of shipping containers in the market. Any disturbance in the trade market due to external and internal management fluctuations directly impacts the supply chain. The container manufacturers accommodate the changing needs for cargo stuffing to ensure better, secure, and sustainable delivery. The containers are being customised and equipped with better inputs based on newer trends in the blooming industries. The greater the efficiency of shipping containers, the greater will be the profit margin. Goods delivered without compromising quality enhance productivity and efficiency in the supply chain.

Biggest shipping container trends of 2023

The shipping container market is witnessing an influx of demands from companies to provide durable, standard and sustainable shipping containers. 2023 is keeping the past trends alive with consistency and newer technological introductions. These trends will continue as long as the shipping industry benefits. A few of those trends are-

  1. Eco-friendly shipping containers – The world is switching to environmentally sustainable shipping, for which shipping containers will have to be free from substances that can cause harm to the environment. They are already made of recyclable materials such as steel, making them eco-friendly. Manufacturers recycle discarded containers to filter out raw materials for new containers. It helps in reducing container waste. Apart from this, containers can also be customised as storage and commercial spaces to utilise their longevity fully.
  2. Emphasis on the security of containers – Containers with better-locking systems and seals provide paramount safety from theft or tampering. IoT in the shipping industry is another way of maximising the transparency and visibility of shipping containers in transit. 2023 will see more installations of these sensors in shipping containers to provide additional security. The real-time data gathered through these sensors helps track the containers and take necessary steps and precautions during emergencies.
  3. Including blockchain technology Shipping container companies in 2023 are moving towards adopting this technology to carry out safer, reliable and transparent transactions. By integrating blockchain technology into the supply chain, companies can streamline trade operations and increase efficiency.
  4. Customising shipping containers – Customised containers provide additional support as they fulfil the finest cargo requirements to be transported, providing extra durability. Shipping container manufacturers are witnessing an influx of demand for customised containers to suit their cargo or storage needs. 2023 may see modified containers to suit e-commerce or shipping businesses as they bloom and heavily invest in containers.

Shipping container companies must lookout for these trends in 2023. These biggest shipping container trends are set to revolutionise the container industry, elevating user experience and shaping a promising future for shipping.

LOTUS Containers is a premium shipping company offering weather-resistant and durable shipping containers. We are equipped to provide a reliable and enhanced customer experience.





